Plugin status for 1.3.0

  • @mrpink

    Which problem exactly?


  • @Nuxwin

    The RoundcubePlugins problem I found and was not able to fix till now is the following:

    Plugin update has failed: SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'url'

    Plugin update has failed: SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'status'

    That is related to the fact, that on the initial version the column url and status was not part of that events table for the calendar plugin.

    On a later version the columns url and status were introduced by the calendar plugin mantainer and @Ninos unhappily changed the file 002_create_events_table.php and added the columns instead of creating a new sql import file. :(

    I fixed that already, and created the files 010_update_calendar_database_version_2013051600.php for the url column and 011_update_calendar_database_version_2014040900.php for the status column.

    But the problem will occur if somebody didn't start to use the RoundcubePlugins before that changes from @Ninos.

    That means this problem will occur only if the first RoundcubePlugins version that was installed is between 1.1.0 and 1.2.3 and then an update to the latest verison 1.2.4 is started.

    Do you have an idea how to solve that?

  • outch, seems I've done shit o.O Reinstalling would mean loosing all the data (calendar, contacts...), right?

    May you could solve it with a check:

    1. IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = " . $roundcubeDbName . ".`events` AND column_name = 'url' AND table_schema = DATABASE() ) THEN
    2. ALTER TABLE " . $roundcubeDbName . ".`events` ADD `url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL AFTER `categories`
    3. END IF;

    Hope this works, otherwise I have no better solution :/

  • Shit... But strange that nobody cried before. We may could copy the table to a tmp table, drop it out, recreate and move the data back to the table. I'll later try something :)

  • Hmm seems it's hard to handle such thing.. May following solution works:

  • Hello,


    I don't like doing this in plain SQL.... I'll have a look to see if there is a better alternative.


  • @mrpink

    I finish CronJobs plugin tests and then I'll fix your SQL update issue with the RoundcubePlugins plugin ;)


    I've added new status for postponed plugins. Apache2PythonWSGI is postponed according our talk on IRC ;)


  • @mrpink @Ninos

    RoundcubePlugins possible update issue should be fixed. See…02fdfea8c0e8afcee20addebb

    I've tested by installing v1.2.2 and by updating to v1.2.4.
