1.2.17 - FTP directory listing problem

  • Hello,
    The FTP directory listing is a pain in the newest (as of today) version of IMSCP - 1.2.17
    It takes an agonizing average of 60 seconds for the directories and files to simply get listed in an FTP client (in my case FileZilla).
    I've checked the proftpd.conf for the MasqueradeAddress setting to see if it was to blame, but this setting was absent in any proftpd.conf file I have on the system (Debian 8.3 Jessie). I also have SSL enabled for panel and all services alike (TLS for ProFTPd) but I don't think that's related. I've already submitted an issue in the imscp bug report system and would hopefully love to see it fixed once and for all.


  • love to see it fixed once and for all

    Sure, talking in such way will motive us :rolleyes:

    ATM, I cannot confirm this problem with FileZilla... Please answer my questions in the related ticket.


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  • I completely understand - one hitch though - both the computer that I'm using to access my imscp-based server and this server are inside the LAN, and the LAN IP address of the server is of course set to be static via /etc/network/interfaces so they are obviously on the same NAT side so I don't think this setting matters. I am well aware of dynamic IP issues and that's why I didn't try to access the server from the outside of my network.

    BTW: I've just run a check and it seems my FTP Client (FileZilla) is set to passive transfer mode by default - these settings weren't altered.

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  • Are you using your global IP address or your local IP address, when connecting to your server within your LAN?

    If you use passive mode, the FTP server tells the client, which IP address to connect to. The correct setting is to use your global IP. Then, if you connect within your LAN your router still has to forward the ports correctly or it just won't work.