[FIXED] Upgrade from 1.2.9 to 1.2.11 failed.

  • Hello,

    i just wanted to update from 1.2.9 to 1.2.11.
    Now I get the error, that the imscp_network service isnt able to restart.
    (Image: http://prntscr.com/a4r6sk)
    Debian Version: Wheezy

    When i try to restart the service manually i get this message.

    Quote from I-MSCP Restart

    service imscp_network stop
    initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
    imscp_network: unrecognized service

    Which Log files are necessary for this issue?

    Kind regards

  • Fixed by
    if anyone else has this problem

    nah, just prevented the problem.
    I just recovered the old situation. How do i fix that?

    I fixed the problem.
    At first i stopped all services, then i killed everything what has to do with imscp (apache, nginx ...)
    Redownloaded the installer -> startet the autoinstaller -> now it works fine.

    Edited 2 times, last by Levitas ().

  • This problem has nothing to do with i-MSCP ;) That upstart...
