Changer le mot de passe dans Roundcube

  • Hello,

    J'utilise la version 1.0.3
    J'ai changé manuellement squirrel pour roundcube 0.8.1

    Pour faciliter la vie de mes utilisateurs, j'aimerai qu'ils puissent changer leur mot de passe via Roundcube.
    J'ai donc tenté de paramétrer le plugin password mais je bloque sur la connexion à la base de données.

    Sur la doc de l'ancêtre de i-MSCP, j'ai bien trouvé un tuto mais le temps semble avoir eu raison de la procédure....

    Une idée pour remettre au goût du jour cette doc sans pour autant attendre la future version en cours de dev ?

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Bonjour ;

    Je vous conseille de poser la question dans la section anglaise de notre forum, plus particulièrement à TheCry.

    TheCry: The user above wants to know how to install the password changer plugin for roundcube. For now, he has a database connection problem. THX


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hi together...
    I attached the plugin which is needed. Extract it to the plugin folder. Then you will see a folder "imscp_pw_changer".. Inside this folder are the files and folders of the plugin.

    Now you need to set some sql rights to the sqluser which was entered to of roundcube.

    1. $rcmail_config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysqli://roundcube_user:password@localhost/roundcube_datase';

    This sqluser need the rights to update a column in the imscp database with the following query

    1. UPDATE `mail_users` SET `mail_pass` = %p, `status` = 'change' WHERE `mail_addr` = %u LIMIT 1

    The last step is to activate the plugin in the of roundcube.

    1. $rcmail_config['plugins'] = array('imscp_pw_changer');

    I think thats all...
    Greatz Sascha

  • Dosen't Work for me, because :
    1 - Table mails_users dosen't exist but we have table users (user_id, username, mail_host, created, last_login, language, preferences)
    2 - To change password we must to connect to postfixadmin using table mailbox
    Would you please fix this or explain to me more about it to let me fix it

    Thank you
    Problem already fixed on roundcube there are a plugin, now it's work fine for me

    Edited once, last by ckhalilo ().

  • Problem already fixed on roundcube there are a plugin, now it's work fine for me

    You should be careful when using 1 year old howtos ;)
    Just use the latest RC and you have all the password changing features (and a lot more)