Skip apache to nginx as possible?

  • Hello,

    I do not know if I'm posting in the right section.
    I currently own imscp 1.2.9 debian 8 with apache2 and php -FPM but Apache does not correspond to my needs.

    So I would have wanted to know if there was a possibility to spent my most visited site in nginx without reinstalling everything to have more speed at the website?

    I looked for a can and I came across several forum topic brings me to:…under-separate-fpm-pools/

    I thank you in advance.


  • If you have one ip which is not used by apache2, yes it is easily possible. Otherwise you must replace apache2 by nginx..

  • Thanks for the reply @Ninos
    Unfortunately, I own that IP will require that I spend so everything under nginx.
    That he is complicated to do? As goes the change?

    Thank you in advance.

  • sorry I have not understand completely. You already have a second unused IP or not?

  • @Ninos

    Excuse me I speak very bad English.
    I have only one IP on the server.

  • Ok so it's just possible with custom core modifications.

  • @Ninos

    To do this we must go through the script i-MSCP or do differently?
    Thank you in advance.

  • yes you need to change files of imscp itself.

  • No this tutorials are not working anymore, I'm sorry.