Let's Encrypt plugin on Debian Stretch - Certbot client version is too old

  • Hi,

    installation on debian stretch with IMSCP 1.4 git and Plugin Version 2.0.5 went fine, but the following Problem was shown when I tried to use it on the panel SSL certificate:

    There is no other imscp plugin installed

    Edited once, last by Catscrash ().

  • Hello,

    First thing:

    Why do you use Git 1.4 branch? That branch is in stabilization period.

    Now about your problem:

    • Distribution (and codename) in use?
    • Is your system up-to-date (apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade)
    • Memory available on your system?

    If you cannot figure out alone, give us access to the server.



  • Hi,

    thanks for your answer.

    As said above, I use debian stretch (9), which is also the reason for using the current git-Version - there are some issues when installing imscp on debian 9 with the stable release, which are fixed in the current git version.

    I need to use debian 9 for some other reasons, but so far only imscp is installed on the server

    System is up-to-date

    The system has 4G RAM, 4G swap

    1. free -m
    2. total used free shared buff/cache available
    3. Mem: 3954 258 766 78 2930 3335
    4. Swap: 4095 0 4095

    thanks for your help

    best regards

    Edit: Just to be safe, I gave the system an additional 8G of swap, but that didn't change anything

    Edited once, last by Catscrash ().

  • @Catscrash

    Can you try the following:

    1. # clear && rm -r /root/.local && LANG=C certbot-auto --verbose --non-interactive --version

    Doing this should update Certbot client to latest version.

    On my Debian Stretch test server, I get:

    If you cannot figure out alone, give me access to the server.

    BTW: Don't forget to update your imscp to latest git too. There is an important fix that has been pushed today.


  • @Catscrash

    You're welcome ;)

    So, the problem is: The Certbot client version as provided in current released plugin version is too old and by default, self-update of certbot client is not enabled in the plugin configuration file. All this will be fixed with the next version.

    Changelog for the next version will be as follow:
