1.3.16 - thanks

  • Just wanted to say thanks

    Last Quite a few upgrades for me have been smooth without any issues, much appreciate all the work that goes into all the bug fixing that is being done.

    Sure a few bugs - but last year upgrades occasionally broke during the upgrade (typically due to my config problems - not i-mscp)

    Anyway thanks again. :D

    --- small update ---
    older server was a bit behind - on wheezy and php 5.5 manually setup few years ago...

    the installer passwords like example: eD%r$EZaw=dKG9V8 > threw an error and had to remove any non letter numbers else it threw a fit about non-allowed characters.

    so for example: eDrEZawdKG9V8 (was allowed)

    Edited once, last by viper_iii ().

  • Thanks ;)

    --- small update ---
    older server was a bit behind - on wheezy and php 5.5 manually setup few years ago...

    the installer passwords like example: eD%r$EZaw=dKG9V8 > threw an error and had to remove any non letter numbers else it threw a fit about non-allowed characters.

    so for example: eDrEZawdKG9V8 (was allowed)


    Don't forget to read the errata file when you update (from version you're updating to top) ;)


  • Morning,

    For me the same, read the errata, upgrade and done :)